Lady Edwina Grosvenor appointed Chair of Global Philanthropic’s Advisory Board

The Grosvenor Family are no strangers to philanthropy. With a longstanding track record of supporting charitable initiatives throughout their history, they continue to provide long term sustainable help and opportunities throughout the world.

Lady Edwina Grosvenor, sister of the 7th Duke of Westminster is a passionate advocate for prison reform and founder and Chair of One Small Thing, an organisation that aims to redesign the justice system. Her extensive philanthropic work most recently saw the opening of Hope Street in June 2023, a safe space for women to serve their sentences in the community alongside their children.

We are therefore delighted to announce that Lady Edwina has been appointed Chair of Global Philanthropic’s Advisory Board with immediate effect.

The Future of Philanthropy

I was recently asked by a large foundation to give my view of the future of philanthropy as part of a study. This prompted me to ask my colleagues at Global Philanthropic to join in a collaborative debate on the subject. Here is our thinking.

Higher education – Unlocking philanthropic opportunities

There are important lessons which have come out of the pandemic for higher education organisations, lessons which are important to keep top of mind as we continue to move forward, and lessons which will continue to be as important post-pandemic as they were during.

Global Philanthropic honours three leaders in philanthropy at Talking Philanthropy 2021

Congratulations to this year's Philanthropy Award Winners, Fran Perrin, Dexter Yang, and Marcus Rashford.

How COVID-19 Is Shifting the North-South Philanthropic Power Dynamic

How COVID-19 Is Shifting the North-South Philanthropic Power Dynamic

Sociologist Erving Goffman suggested that the best time to understand social interaction is when it’s disrupted. This may also be true of philanthropy, and the field is certainly experiencing disruption today.This has highlighted the historically unequal power dynamic that exists between philanthropic organizations in the Global South and resource-rich foundations of the Global North.

5 Ways To Make Your Giving Transformational

If you want your philanthropy to help change the world, you might need to change how your funding is structured. In addition to disrupting longstanding power dynamics between grantor and grantee, the way you structure your funding should align with the type of impact you wish to see. Here are five different approaches to funding that will help you—-and your partners—-increase your impact velocity.

Will The Ongoing Global Pandemic Usher In A New Era Of Corporate Philanthropy?

A corporate philanthropic approach goes far beyond mere ESG compliance, and neither is it a reworked version of old-style CSR. It is a new approach, intended to address the deep social inequalities which were present before, but have been widened by, the pandemic.

Hong Kong skyline

A New Chapter For Asian Philanthropy

The roles governments, NGOs, philanthropists and the charity sector play in nurturing a philanthropy ecosystem across the Asia-Pacific region will drive the conversation at the fourth annual Talking Philanthropy forum hosted by the international fundraising advisory firm Global Philanthropic.

Geoff Holt profile photo

Oceans of Accessibility

Holt was paralysed from the chest down after diving off a boat into shallow water on a holiday when he was 18 years old. He is confined to a wheelchair and has minimal movement in his arms and fingers. But he refuses to let his disability define him.