#Global20 – Interview with Dr Doug Gurr, Director, Natural History Museum

In the latest of our Global 20 series, we are privileged to bring you a penetrating interview with Dr Doug Gurr, Director of the Natural History Museum in London. Formerly Global Vice-President and Head of Amazon UK, and Chairman of the British Heart Foundation, Doug is highly respected for his visionary leadership and recognised globally for his remarkable contributions to the realms of technology, business, and public service.

In this deeply compelling interview, Doug talks to our Chair Iain Rawlinson about his journey from the corporate to non-profit world, the ground-breaking work being carried out that measures the pristine natural biodiversity on the Earth’s surface, and the pressing challenges posed by the threat of a sixth mass extinction.

Do listen or watch until the end as Doug imparts his belief that there is hope for the future as a path is found where global economic growth is still possible without over consuming the Earth's precious and natural resources, whilst emphasising the collective responsibility in this endeavour.

Turning purpose into action with CSR and ESG

Many a company has jumped on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) bandwagon to legitimise their social responsibility. But in doing so, have they delivered meaningful social impact, or merely marketed their social credentials to enhance employee engagement and brand?

Korea Business News Interview – The Business of Philanthropy

In December 2021, Global Philanthropic Asia Pacific President and CEO Nick Jaffer discussed the business of philanthropy with Mr Bruce Han on Korea Business News (KBN)

The Future of Philanthropy

I was recently asked by a large foundation to give my view of the future of philanthropy as part of a study. This prompted me to ask my colleagues at Global Philanthropic to join in a collaborative debate on the subject. Here is our thinking.

What is Corporate Philanthropy and why is the S in ESG too important for businesses to ignore?

Interview with Iain Rawlinson, Chair of Global Philanthropic Holdings on Corporate Philanthropic and why the S in ESG is too important for businesses to ignore.

Interview undertaken by Kirsty Lang in 2021.

5 Ways To Make Your Giving Transformational

If you want your philanthropy to help change the world, you might need to change how your funding is structured. In addition to disrupting longstanding power dynamics between grantor and grantee, the way you structure your funding should align with the type of impact you wish to see. Here are five different approaches to funding that will help you—-and your partners—-increase your impact velocity.

Will The Ongoing Global Pandemic Usher In A New Era Of Corporate Philanthropy?

A corporate philanthropic approach goes far beyond mere ESG compliance, and neither is it a reworked version of old-style CSR. It is a new approach, intended to address the deep social inequalities which were present before, but have been widened by, the pandemic.

Iain Rawlinson

Global Welcomes Iain Rawlinson as Director and new Chair

Global Philanthropic warmly welcomes Iain Rawlinson as Director of the Board and the new Chair of the Global Philanthropic Group, starting in January 2021. Iain is an experienced Board Member & Chair, charity trustee and strategy adviser. He brings a wealth of expertise to help Global Philanthropic meet our 2021 goals and help us serve our clients better.